Letter to DOJ opposes agriculture megamergers

PCC signed on to a group letter urging the U.S. Department of Justice to conduct a thorough investigation and to oppose the proposed agrochemical and seed mergers between Dow and DuPont, Bayer and Monsanto and Syngenta and ChemChina.

The letter was signed by nearly 325 farming, beekeeping, farmworker, religious, food safety, and conservation advocacy groups. It was delivered the letter to members of Congress, state attorneys general and the Department of Justice. View the letter.

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Support WSU organic research and teaching

To Rep. Brian Baird, Re: WSU's Organic Cropping Research and Education for the Northwest program.

News coverage of toxic chemicals in fertilizer

Thank you letter to Seattle Times, for covering story about PBTs being used in agricultural fertilizers.

Reverse changes to organic Sunset Provision

Letter to the USDA and the National Organic Program, asking them to reverse changes to the Sunset Provision.