PCC Advocates: Support EPA ban of chlorpyrifos

Dear Chris,

It’s time to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos from use on food crops.

Before the presidential election last fall, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to end all uses of the neurotoxic pesticide, chlorpyrifos, in agriculture. Chlorpyrifos works by attacking the nervous system and is so potent even small exposures are linked to arm tremors in children, lower IQs in kids, and physical changes in the brain that affect language and memory.

This is the first big fight at EPA with a new administrator, Scott Pruitt. Previously, as Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Scott Pruitt sued the federal government to prevent rules about air and water pollution from taking effect. So we need to stand up against major rollbacks on pesticide regulation, especially dangerous pesticides used on food crops such as chlorpyrifos.

The EPA has deemed chlorpyrifos so threatening to human and environmental health that most home uses were banned 16 years ago. Chlorpyrifos in streams and marine environments rivers kills insects, shrimp and fish.

Tell EPA to do its job and protect human and environmental health, not chemical company profits. It’s time to ban chlorpyrifos.

Call the EPA in Washington D.C. at 202-564-1782.

Or, email a comment to Scott Pruitt: pruitt.scott@epa.gov.


PCC Public Affairs

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