Member Spotlights

This article was originally published in May 2022

PCC began as a food-buying club with 15 families. Now, it’s exceeded 100,000 members. To celebrate that milestone, we’re spotlighting several members this year who help make the co-op thrive. If you have a membership story to share in our letters page, let us know at

PCC Member Gwen


Meet longtime co-op member, Gwen! She joined PCC in 1990 when her son started working at Ravenna PCC and began to bring home interesting foods. Their foodie family bonded by visiting the co-op, trying new items and experimenting with eating healthier. Gwen became a fan of Seward Park PCC and its delightful bakery, spending her mornings chatting with staff and friends over a mocha and scone. These days, you’ll find Gwen in the produce department at her current home store, Columbia City PCC, where she enjoys the opportunity to sample fruits or veggies she’s never tasted. It’s these community connections that have kept her coming back to PCC for more than 30 years. Thanks for all the joy that you bring to our community, Gwen!

PCC Member Jenny


In honor of the new Kirkland PCC, we’re celebrating dedicated members from that neighborhood, like Jenny! Back in 2013, Jenny became a PCC member to support her growing family with organic foods, fresh-made deli items and sustainable meats. Over the years, Jenny’s family has made fond memories at their neighborhood market. In addition to enjoying a free piece of fruit or vegetable with each visit, her little ones have participated in coloring contests, a National Night Out event hosted by Kirkland PCC, and even a pumpkin contest. Her 4-year-old won the prize pumpkin, which they carved and displayed—it was the largest jack-o-lantern on the block! Jenny appreciates the hardworking and accommodating staff who are always kind and generous to her children. Thank you for your continued support, Jenny!

Also in this issue

See what’s new in PCC standards

Which ingredients are allowed in products PCC carries, and why? In a major new project, detailed and updated product standards are now online, along with PCC’s requirements for producers and a look at potential gaps.

PCC grants help organic farms reach new heights

From a salad greens harvester to a climate-controlled cheese cave, PCC grants are helping organic farms survive and thrive around the state. Even a small financial boost can make a crucial difference for these independent producers.

Partnership shines with “prep cooks” from 20 countries

In an unheralded but essential job, workers from around the globe at Dreamland Foods make a sweetener-free Vegenaise —plus other contributions to delectable deli foods.