Ring in the new year with PCC Cooks

This article was originally published in January 2019

PCC Cooks dish of pasta with basil and tomato sauce.

A new year provides the promise of a fresh start and the perfect opportunity to advance your culinary know-how.

Whether you’re resolved to eat more veggies, master cast-iron cooking, or expand your recipe repertoire, PCC Cooks offers an array of classes designed to help you cook with confidence, regardless of age or skill level.

Our winter quarter offers our largest collection of classes yet — from mood-boosting winter salads and Instant Pot basics, to Chinese-style braising and healthy, satisfying meals for one. We provide choices including hands-on classes and demonstration sessions, vegan-friendly courses, and classes led by nutrition educators.

Up until this point, one key method of communication to inform you of upcoming classes has been the PCC Cooks print catalog, which we published four times a year for many years. As a co-op operating on a triple bottom line of environmental, social and economic sustainability, we’re always taking stock of our choices and considering ways to improve our footprint for sustainability.

After reflecting on the many resources it takes to create our catalog, we’ve made the decision to discontinue the PCC Cooks print catalog in 2019. This choice will save more than 250 trees (that’s two million pages!) over the course of a year and it will help keep many unused catalogs out of the recycling or waste stream.

Many of you reading this have been longtime supporters of PCC Cooks and we hope your enthusiasm will continue. We still will offer the same exciting classes.

This new approach may provide us greater flexibility to add to our class offerings and collaborate with favorite local chefs. A complete calendar with class descriptions always is available on our website to keep you informed.

Additional ways to know when new classes are available:

  • Sign up for our PCC Cooks email newsletter to receive notifications about new class schedule releases and to get class updates.
  • Visit our PCC Cook’s page to browse available classes, download a PDF of an upcoming class schedule, and peruse the calendar for open classes at your favorite PCC location.
  • Follow us on Instagram or Facebook.
  • Stop by our in-store classrooms to view the current calendar.
  • Read Sound Consumer for information about upcoming classes.
  • Mark your calendar to check for new classes at the beginning of March, June, September and December.
  • Give us a call at the direct PCC Cooks line: 206-545-7112. We’re more than happy to help by phone!

Also in this issue

New Climate Agenda: Food Waste

The Pacific Coast Collaborative works with leaders along the West Coast to address climate change. Last year the collaborative officially expanded its focus to include food waste.