Meet PCC board members

This article was originally published in January 2019

Member participation is critical to our co-op’s success and we want to give members an opportunity to talk directly with some members of PCC’s Board of Trustees and management team on a more frequent basis.

To do this, we are launching a new outreach effort in 2019. Beginning this winter, we will hold a small, informative gathering at one of our stores. At these events, several members of PCC’s board and leadership team will be on site to share highlights of the co-op’s business, information on new programs or products, and provide time for members to ask questions and offer input on topics that are important to them.

The first event will be at the Bothell PCC on February 4. Member pre-registration is required as store classroom space is limited. RSVP online here.

Event information

Monday, February 4
3 to 4 p.m.
Bothell PCC Classroom
Arrive 2:45 p.m. to check in


  • Business highlights
  • Health and body care standards
  • Questions from members

Future events will be scheduled at different PCC stores, from the Eastside to north and south of Seattle, to make it easy for members to participate.

With the addition of these new board and member engagement events, the scope of the annual member meeting will change. It will become a brief business meeting focused on the announcement of the 2019 election results and an overview of the co-op’s performance in 2018 against its financial, social and environmental bottom lines. Look for more information on this year’s election and Annual Members’ Meeting in the February Sound Consumer.

Our goal is to shift opportunities for member, board and staff engagement to a format that is more local, personal and convenient for our members. In addition to these forums, members still will be able to communicate with the PCC Board of Trustees anytime by emailing or by postal mail to the PCC Co-op office.

Also in this issue