Save the Bee

This article was originally published in September 2014

Join PCC and GloryBee to help save the honeybee. GloryBee donates 1 percent of retail and select bulk honey sales to its Save the Bee initiative. The majority of the donations go to the Oregon State University Bee lab to support research on bee diseases, nutrition concerns, parasites, genetic problems and many other issues linked to Colony Collapse Disorder. Bees pollinate more than one-third of food crops.

Look for GloryBee honey &#8212 available in jars and bulk &#8212 on sale this month at PCC.

Also in this issue

Protect Bristol Bay Salmon

Take a minute to send a letter to EPA urging it to move forward to protect Bristol Bay, home of one of the world's largest wild salmon runs, from proposed mining.

Soil & Sea: reports from our producers

Learn about Washington's expected record apple crop, the impacts of a raging wildfire season on Northwest agriculture, and drones spying on farms!

PCC Board of Trustees report, September 2014

Board meeting report, PCC Farmland Trust, Next board meeting