PCC Fit & Healthy Challenge

by Tom Monahan, Community Relations Specialist

This article was originally published in February 2007

(February 2007) — PCC believes strongly in building healthy communities by providing our members and shoppers with the highest quality natural and organic foods. Our co-op also focuses on providing staff with excellent working environments and tremendous benefits.

We think PCC already is a healthy community, but now it’s time to prove it.

The Washington Health Foundation (WHF) is launching the 2007 Healthiest State in the Nation campaign, the largest civic-engagement campaign focused on health in our state’s history. So far, nearly 30,000 people, 200 schools and 750 organizations are participating in the WHF campaign.

The campaign’s goal is to make Washington the healthiest of our 50 states. The PCC Fit & Healthy Challenge goes a step further: we’re reaching out to our health-conscious PCC community and asking members, shoppers and staff to participate and prove that PCC is the healthiest organization in our state.

“Proving that PCC is the healthiest organization in Washington is only part of the goal,” says PCC’s Community Relations Manager, Diana Crane. “Inspiring others to follow our lead and raising the bar for good health throughout our state really is what our Fit & Healthy Challenge is all about.”

To participate, individual “champions” log miles of exercise that will help achieve both WHF’s goal of becoming the healthiest state and PCC’s goal for proving we’re the healthiest organization. Participants also can track weight management on the site and earn points by testing their knowledge of the health system.

The WHF campaign is free and easy to join with an email address and password. Just visit the PCC Fit & Healthy Challenge Web page for more information on the simple steps to sign up with this campaign.

Also in this issue

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Your co-op, February 2007

Talk to the board, PCC board report, Member satisfaction survey planned, and more

Letters to the editor, February 2007

Shopping around food sensitivities, Who owns organic?, Standing for values, and more