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Dedicated since 1961 to informing and inspiring the PCC community through the co-op’s vision of advancing the health and well-being of people, their neighborhoods and our planet.

Bulk granola

Secrets of Shopping the Bulk Bins

Bulk bin buys are a great way to save money, and offer other benefits for your kitchen and home.

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A Wunderground of Coffee and Wellness

Seattle entrepreneur Jody Hall is “taking the most ritualistic beverage in the world…and adding wellness to it.”

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Fresh New Ways to Use Fermented Foods

Firefly Kitchens owner Julie O’Brien wants to make fermented foods part of a healthy diet.

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The Sumo Orange is a New Citrus Star

Learn why this hefty, sweet seedless fruit is such a hit.

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Hemp Weaves a Joy-Ful Future for Black Farmers

The Hollingsworth Hemp Company breaks new ground for Black farmers and communities. The family produces PCC’s new botanical lotions.

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The Weight of New Lunar New Year Traditions

Cookbook author Hsiao-Ching Chou has seen traditions change for her favorite holiday.

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Thai Soup

Vegetable Representation Matters

A Filipinx-owned farm helped Angela Garbes reclaim the recipes of her childhood.

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Pink Moon Farm Preserved

A 24-acre farm has been protected from development and seen ‘life-changing” improvements.

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Brighten Meals by Cooking with Fresh Herbs

Even in winter, Nancy Leson uses fresh herbs to enhance home-cooked meals.

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Q&A with Oxbow Farm and Conservation Center

Learn about the amazing array of community programs at this nonprofit farm.

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PCC Baguette

From Baguettes to Breadcrumbs

A new partnership “upcycles” leftover artisan breads instead of composting them.

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PCC Community Grants Support Gardens, Harvests and Education

Seed “libraries” and a “B-Patch” community garden are among PCC’s latest grant recipients.

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Court Actions on GMO Food Labeling

A federal ruling makes progress toward transparency on genetically engineered food labels.

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When “Healthy Eating” Is Not What It Seems

Learn about orthorexia, a lesser-known form of disordered eating.

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PCC Customer Service Stars

Meet Jamil Bates from the Edmonds PCC and Robert Jones from the Downtown PCC!

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Letters to the Editor

Salish sea reefnets • Cascadian Farm land donated • Climate amendment approved • Climate-Smart Wood • Tart cherry industry • Sustainable flour • Sagebrush loss • Paraquat dangers • Seaweed farms • Solar power grants • Upcycling peanut skins •Factory farm lawsuit • Fighting plastics plant • Endangered Species Act • Cactus crops

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Letters to the Editor

Compost or recycle? • Lead warning labels • Burning sugarcane • Gluten-free buckwheat • Toilet-paper tradeoffs • Cooking class idea

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