Your co-op, January 2007

This article was originally published in January 2007

Talk to the board

Board Chair Bob Cross encourages members to come out to meet a board member at one of their informal store visits. “We spend two hours at a different store each month to listen to our members”, notes Cross. “We’ve also begun a new practice of posing a discussion question during these visits.”

“This month’s question is: ‘What prompted you to become a member?’ As we begin to work on our Ends policies, this question is at the heart of helping us examine why we exist,” Cross adds. Of course, the board is always open to hearing any thoughts members may have to share with them.

Upcoming Talk to the Board dates

  • Saturday, January 27, 1 to 3 p.m., Greenlake PCC
  • Saturday, February 24, 1 to 3 p.m., West Seattle PCC
  • Saturday, March 24, 2 to 4 p.m., Issaquah PCC

Board meeting report

Due to dangerous road conditions, the November 28 board meeting was rescheduled to December 4. The agenda included review and approval of the 2007 operating budget and business plan, an evaluation of the fall member meeting, discussion of a board retreat, and a decision on the 2007 annual meeting and election dates.

The board members agreed that the fall member meeting, attended by more than 150 members, was a success. Analysis of the meeting evaluations indicated that members agreed. Members seemed to enjoy having a slate of questions that served as conversation starters during the dinner hour. Each table captain facilitated discussions and took notes. Member feedback will be used by the board as it prepares for a retreat in February.

Members also gave high marks to the presentations prepared by several members of the management. From sustainability practices and member benefits to superior staff benefits, community education efforts and procurement guidelines, we’re able to focus on much more than the bottom line that guides most businesses’ operations.

Board Administrator Janice Parker reports that the fall member meeting highlights are being shared via online posting of the management presentations, as well as several photos. “We’re very pleased to make this information available to all members,” noted Parker. Look for the Fall Member Meeting report at

The Board Development Task Force is responsible for planning the February 2007 retreat. Task force chair Julie Tempest says, “We’re going to be looking at ways we can build more work on strategic planning into our regular board meetings.

We’ll also continue work on our Ends policies. Our members are welcome to send us input as we plan our discussions. Sending us feedback on the questions posed at our fall meeting would be quite useful.” See those questions and send us your feedback using the 2006 fall member meeting feedback form.

Next board meeting
The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be January 30 at 5 p.m. at the co-op business office. Member comment period is at 6 p.m.

Application deadline closes

Nominating Committee Chair Kim Norton reports that the committee received nine applications for board candidacy by the December 5 deadline. The committee will begin conducting interviews early this month and is on target to present a slate of candidates in March.

”We thank each of the members who applied for their interest and effort,” says Norton.

PCC honored by two MarCom Creative Awards

PCC’s Web site has been honored with a Gold Award and the Sound Consumer has received an “Honorable Mention” in the 2006 MarCom Creative Awards competition.

The MarCom Creative Awards is an international competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by marketing and communication professionals. Judges are marketing industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.

More than 5,000 entries in a variety of categories were submitted in the 2006 competition.

Staff celebrates with zero waste!

PCC’s staff recently celebrated the holidays at the Pacific Science Center with lots of food and entertainment, including live music and door prizes. More than 850 party-goers enjoyed all the Pacific Science Center has to offer, including the Butterfly House, “Happy Feet” at the IMAX Theater and the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit.

With a target of “Zero Waste” for the second consecutive year, our party planners made sure that all food service items and party decorations were compostable or recyclable. More than 300 pounds of compostable trash was collected. Even the tablecloths were compostable!

Thanks to Cedar Grove Composting and all our vendors for their contributions, and to all who helped to make the party a success!

Also in this issue

News bites, January 2007

Pepsi buys Naked Juice, Family meals still on decline, No fluoride for babies, and more