Your co-op, June 2003

This article was originally published in June 2003

Annual membership meeting

PCC Kid's Club players

PCC Kid’s Club players debuted at the PCC annual meeting and brought the house to its feet.

The annual PCC membership meeting on Sunday April 27 was the best attended annual meeting in recent memory. At least 140 people attended, marking a 50 percent increase in attendance over last year. Held at the site of the new PCC Fremont, the meeting was a great opportunity to see the new store taking shape. Members toured the site and learned what will be where. (See “New PCC Fremont store,” June 2003 Sound Consumer).

The meeting featured state of the co-op reports from the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer, as well as a presentation on the co-op’s new logo and look. But it was a group of staff and middle-schoolers who stole the show early on with a 15-minute “PCC Kids’ Club” play teaching the value of eating natural foods in all colors of the rainbow. The “PCC Kids’ Club” is the latest PCC Community Relations outreach effort.

Board members and candidates running for election to the new board fielded questions from the members. Topics ranged from member benefits to the elective process for board members. All candidates spoke to their views of the board’s function and what they offer to the membership.

The meeting also provided opportunity to kick off celebration of PCC’s 50th anniversary. For more meeting details and photos, go to our annual meeting page.

Flexcar — new Premier Partner for PCC

by Diana Crane, Community Relations Manager

A renewed focus on sustainability issues at PCC has led to a great new benefit for PCC members. Starting this month, members can get a particularly attractive discount with the oldest and largest car-sharing club in the country, Flexcar.

As of Saturday, June 14, a Flexcar vehicle will be located at every PCC store. All PCC members can join Flexcar for only a $12.50 membership fee that entitles them to use a Flexcar vehicle at any time for just $6.50 an hour.

A typical Flexcar is a new model four-door sedan, such as a Honda Civic, but other vehicles including vans and pickups are available. Flexcar members can reserve a car from a year to a minute in advance through a 24-hour reservation system and they decide when and for how long they want use of a vehicle. They enjoy the freedom of personal transportation without having to pay the costs of insurance, gas, parking and maintenance involved in vehicle ownership.

Flexcar members also can feel good about knowing they are part of an innovative solution to the growing problems of traffic congestion and air pollution from vehicle emissions. Many Flexcar vehicles are hybrids; all are fuel-efficient. It’s estimated that each Flexcar replaces six on the road. A recent survey of Flexcar members reports that almost half sold a car or truck after becoming members, or avoided buying a new car or truck.

PCC’s new partnership with Flexcar should be great news for PCC members, according to PCC FoodWorks assistant Rachel Welker, who has been a Flexcar member for more than nine months. “Flexcar is perfect for people like me who want the luxury of driving a car whenever they need, but don’t want to deal with the hassles of ownership.”

U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D- WA) also is a proponent of the Flexcar program. In a statement issued last December, she praised the program as “one that offers a simple and practical solution to our transportation problems. Our communities are better for it.”

Look for special Flexcar brochures at PCC stores or visit to see how easy it is to become a Flexcar member and enjoy the special PCC Premier Partner rate. It’s a terrific benefit of your PCC membership and as Flexcar partners say, it’s a great way to “shift your thinking” about personal transportation options.

Board of trustees meeting report

The board members met on April 29 to review at length the current member benefit program. They received input from members who attended the meeting to present ideas for possible revision. Management presented a report on the financial impact of our current benefit package. A task force was chartered to review PCC’s bylaws.

Upcoming board meetings

The next meeting of the board of trustees will be Tuesday, June 24 at 5 p.m. at the PCC offices, 4201 Roosevelt Way N.E., Seattle. There is an opportunity for members to make comments. Additional meetings are scheduled for July 29, September 30 and November 25.

Also in this issue